As the U.S. midterms are beginning, violence towards politicians and lawmakers have some predicting a civil war in the nearer future.
On the early Friday morning of October 28, 2022, around 2 AM, a man by the name of David DePape, 42, broke into the San Francisco home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, attacked, and seriously injured Paul Pelosi, 82, the Speaker’s husband. Pelosi suffered many injuries including a fractured skull, but is recovering well according to sources from the House Speaker’s office.
Brooke Jenkins, San Francisco District Attorney said DePape was charged with attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted kidnapping, and a myriad of unclarified charges.
Pelosi endured many surgeries to repair his fractured skull and other injuries on his arms and hands. He is said to be recovering well as stated in a press release from Nancy Pelosi’s office.
In an sworn affidavit unsealed by the FBI on Monday, November 1, the police arrived eight minutes after the 911 call placed by Pelosi. The affiant by the name of Stephanie Minor recounted in the sworn document that “Pelosi stated words to the effect of there is a male in the home and that the male is going to wait for Pelosi’s wife. Pelosi further conveyed that he does not know who the male is. The male said his name is David.”
San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Officer Colby Wilmes arrived at the residence and knocked on the door. Whoever opened the door is unspecified but, when it was opened, “Pelosi and DEPAPE were both holding a hammer with one hand and DEPAPE had his other hand holding onto Pelosi’s forearm.” The officer then instructed them both to drop the hammer, and in the midst of soliciting a de-escalation of the situation, DePape yanked the hammer from Pelosi’s hand and struck him in the head.
Pelosi appeared to be unconscious on the ground while officers moved in to restrain DePape.
SFPD Officer Ariane Starks interviewed Pelosi in the ambulance during his transport to the hospital where Pelosi stated that he was asleep when DePape entered the bedroom and asked to speak with “Nancy.” Pelosi then told him Nancy was not in the residence. DePape persisted that he would wait for Nancy, and reiterated his determination to wait for Nancy’s return, which was days away. Pelosi was able to go to the bathroom, where he made the 9-1-1 call.
President Biden spoke in regards to the attack on the House Speaker’s husband and the political turmoil ahead of the midterm elections.
“The talk has to stop. That’s the problem. That’s the problem. You can’t just say, I feel badly about the violence, we condemn it. Condemn what produces the violence”–President Biden.
President Biden seemed to have been referring to the spread of false information ahead of the elections and sources say that DePape has been involved in such activities on social media platforms.